Thursday, June 23, 2011

Street Scenes in Ulaanbaatar

Finally I am starting to feel like I am getting stuff done. After an impromptu gear check through yesterday afternoon, I got myself in order and started to really hone in on the technicals of this shoot. With two very different sets of camera equipment at play here, it's been a bit of a mental rubix cube to sort through all the various connectors and cables and screws and ....(blah, blah, blah) that each camera needs in order to work together.

The most frustrating moment so far has been retrofitting the 25 - 250 Angenieu Lens onto the Sony F3 as the rods on the F3 don't match the support arm for the Anegnieu...I know, crazy right!

Anyway - it was another good day of pre-production; tracking down two generators to power our lighting needs while shooting on the steppes of Mongolia, coordinating a viewing of the ATV we will use to schlep gear to and from base camp, scouting camera stores for various adaptors for our cameras, and last but not least - sitting in traffic!!!